Innovative and efficient machinery for plastics processing: energy savings, lower costs, maximum flexibility and quality results.

Deumidificazione materie plastiche, polimeri e granuli plastici

Wide range of energy efficient rotor dryers: reliable drying, quality results, lower costs.

Trasporto polimeri plastici

Complete individual or centralised conveying conveyor for the automatic and efficient distribution of plastic polymers.

Dosatori materiale plastico: dosaggio granuli plastici

Mixers, dosers and control systems for precise and homogenous mixing of plastics.

Granulazione materie plastiche

Low-speed granulators to supply the best quality regrind to plastics processors.

Stoccaggio materie plastiche

Strong and sturdy modular storage containers: they facilitate the loading of materials even for heavy applications.

Looking for a 4.0 partner for your plastics processing business?

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